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MASA Region 2 Professional Development

Friday, March 1, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
SCSC Conference Center

From SCSC and the Minnesota Association of School Administrators:

Seven Better Practices to Sharpen Your Advantage in the New World of Work

Presented by Dr. Joe Hill

Dr. Hill’s lifework as an educator and 30-year career journey as a campus and school district leader drives his passion for seeing every community served by healthy teams and highly reliable systems.

From Joe:

As a campus or district leader, you are one of the key influencers on the overall health of your community.

Nobody else has this privilege, and the type of culture you produce directly impacts the performance of your system.

Ask yourself...

  • How is the nature of work changing?
  • What’s the pain of this change for your team and system?
  • What have you lost (or risk losing) if new ways of generating the work do not happen soon?

The more intelligent we become, the better excuses we tend to produce that keep us stuck and underperforming.

The hard truth is that performance issues are always issues of culture.

Culture is simply, “people like us do things like this.”

So, how are you editing your culture to ensure it is ready for this new world of work?

Over the course of six sessions, Joe will cover…

  • Intro: How the World of Work is Changing
  • Better Practice 1: Transform Your 1:1s
  • Better Practice 2: Elevate the Mission
  • Better Practice 3: Build Better Culture
  • Better Practice 4: Managing Against Toxic People
  • Better Practice 5: Lead Results-Based Teams
  • Better Practice 6: Optimize Workflow
  • Better Practice 7: Lead Results-Based Teams: Pro Tips

Joe will inform you, inspire you, and challenge you to be positive contributors to your districts and communities.

Six Sessions

November 10, 2023
January 5, 2024
February 1, 2024
March 1, 2024
April 5, 2024
May 3, 2024

Attendees will receive CEU’s from the Board of Administrators at the completion of the sessions.

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