A group of people stretching in a room.

SCSC Writing Contest

Writing contest for K-12 students in fiction, non-fiction, and/or poetry.



Upcoming Events

The SCSC Writing Contest provides students in grades K–12 with an opportunity to express themselves through fiction, non-fiction and/or poetry. This contest was established to encourage the love of language and writing for all students and as a way to recognize the talented young writers in south central Minnesota.

2024–25 Theme: The Arts

Entries should relate to the theme. The Arts: painting, sculpture, music, theater, literature, architecture, film, photography, dance, drawing, storytelling, etc., that demonstrates skill and imagination to produce objects and/or performances.

The SCSC Writing Contest is conducted in partnership with Minnesota State University, Mankato.


Congratulations to the students who were honored at the 2024 SCSC Writing Contest authors reception on April 30. This program was a partnership between SCSC and the Minnesota State University, Mankato education department. Education students served as contest judges and provided feedback to K–12 students on their writing entries. An e-book version of the anthology can be found at mlpp.pressbooks.pub/scscwritingcontest2024.

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Mary Hillmann

Student Academics Program Manager
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