A person holding a clipboard with a pen.

Environmental Health & Safety



Upcoming Events

SCSC provides consulting, laboratory, inspection, design, and project management services to its members. These services include

Health and Safety

  • Mock OSHA Assessment
  • OSHA Training
  • Program Management
  • Risk/Hazard Assessment
  • Skills Training


  • Demolition/Renovation Inspections
  • Project Design
  • Air Monitoring
  • 3rd-Party Management

Indoor Air Quality

  • IAQ/Mold Investigations
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Ventilation Assessments
  • HVAC Commissioning
  • HVAC Recommissioning

SCSC partners with the Institute for Environmental Assessment (IEA) to provide vetted pricing to members for these services.

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For more info, contact:

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George Rosburg

Consultant - IEA Regional Health & Safety Leader

