A child wearing headphones.
Community of Practice

Early Hearing Detection & Intervention CoP



Upcoming Events

SCSC's Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Community of Practice works to support the goals of Minnesota’s Interagency EHDI initiatives which are to ensure that:

  1. Young children who have hearing loss are able to maximize their communication and learning potential, regardless of the type and degree of their hearing loss;
  2. Young children who have hearing loss are able to begin kindergarten with communication, social, and early literacy skills at developmental levels similar to those of their typically-hearing peers, or commensurate with their cognitive abilities; and
  3. Each family receives the quality individualized support and services they need to help their child grow and learn.

Our team consists of Early Childhood leaders, Speech Pathologists and Deaf/Hard of Hearing teachers to ensure that we have high quality services for students and resources for parents within our region.

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For more info, contact:

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Holle Spessard

Director - Special Education Services
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